Kshitij US Treasury Reports - Kshitij.com
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US Treasury Forecast
US Treasury Report
The Kshitij US Treasury Forecast covers movement in US Treasury bond yields and analyses its possible impact on Global Markets providing a macro view of the Global Economy.

Following are few of the charts we analyze in these Reports:
  • Technical Price Charts of US Treasury yield across all tenors.
  • US yield differential and yield curve analysis
  • Correlations of US yields with commodity & currency markets
  • Fundamental economic data and their impact on the overall economy
  • Major updates from the FED impacting interest rates and the economy
March'25 US Treasury Report

March'25 US Treasury Report

As per the more preferred path in our last report (03-Feb-25, UST10Yr 4.55%) we were looking for the US10Yr to rise to 5.25% by May-25. This does not seem to be working out just. Rather, the alternative less preferred path, wherein the US10Yr could fall in Feb-25 itself, seems to be working out better. The US10-2Yr Spread (0.30%) has also fallen, contrary to our expectation of a rise. Economic data such as Personal Income, US Retail Sales and Consumer Confidence have fallen as expected.

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February'25 US Treasury Report

February'25 US Treasury Report

Assuming greater chances of a slowdown rather than a recession, we project the US10Yr to rise towards 5.25% (May-25), followed by a dip towards 4.55% (Jul-25) and then another rise back towards 5.25% (Jan-26). The 10-2Yr Spread can steepen. Some factors suggesting a slowdown are discussed. Yet, the US10Yr may rise as it has a positive correlation with Inflation Expectations, which is in an uptrend.

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January'25 US Treasury Report

January'25 US Treasury Report

Yields have risen across the Curve in line with the anticipations in our Dec-24 report (30-Nov-24, UST10Y 4.18%).Both the US5Yr and US10Yr have risen well as expected. Even the US2Yr has risen, but the rise is a little muted so far. As a result, contrary to expectation, the Curve has steepened more with the US10-2Yr Spread rising instead of dipping. The FOMC delivered one more rate cut, contrary to our expectation of a pause, but has reduced its anticipation of rate cuts for 2025.

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December'24 US Treasury Report

December'24 US Treasury Report

In our Nov-24 report (31-Oct-24, US10Yr @ 4.26%), we had said that it was possible that the FED may cut rates by at least another 50bp in 2024; that the fall in the US10Yr from 5.02% is over and an immediate dip from 4.4% to 4.0-3.8% could give way to an eventual rise past 4.8% towards 5.0%. In line with that, the FED did cut rates by 25bp in November. Although the US 10Yr rose to 4.50% during November on the back of strong US data, it has also fallen back to 4.26%, in line with our expectation of a fall towards 4.0-3.8%.

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November'24 US Treasury Report

November'24 US Treasury Report

In our Oct-24 report (01-Oct-24, US10Yr @ 3.79%), we had said that in contrast with history, there were no immediate signs of a US recession and the earlier it could set in might be in Jan-Mar 2025, or maybe even later. We also favored just a slowdown, or at most a shallow recession. In accordance with this, the US data in October has been mixed to strong, with Unemployment falling and Average Hourly Earnings and Consumer Confidence rising.

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October'24 US Treasury Report

October'24 US Treasury Report

Since our Sep-24 report (29-Aug-24, US10Yr @ 3.84%), Crude (WTI $68.22) has remained below earlier support now resistance; Inflation is mixed (PCE down a bit from 2.65% to 2.37% but Core PCE up a bit to 2.82% to 2.86%); surprisingly Unemployment has inched lower from 4.3% to 4.2% and the US Fed has cut the FFR by 50bp to 5.0%. The Yield Curve has steepened with the US 10-2 Yield Spread moving up from -0.03% to +0.18%.

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September'24 US Treasury Report

September'24 US Treasury Report

In our Aug-24 report (31-Jul-24, US10Yr @ 4.14%), we were looking for the US10Yr to consolidated between 4.1-4.4% in August, before falling to 4.0-3.8% by Sep-Oct. As it turns out, there was no consolidation in August and the 10Yr has already fallen to 3.8%. The 2Yr has also fallen below 4% and the 10-2Yr Spread (-0.03%) hovers just below 0%. Powell has signalled a rate cut in September

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August'24 US Treasury Report

August'24 US Treasury Report

In our Jul-24 report (28-Jun-24, US10Yr @ 4.32%), we were looking for the US10Yr to fall to 4.20% in July and to 4.12% in August, for the US2Yr to fall to 4.45% and for the US10-2Yr Spread to rise to -0.3%, or maybe -0.2%. That is largely how the market has played out so far with the US10Yr seeing an earlier than expected low of 4.14% and the US2Yr seeing a low of 4.348%.

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