About Us - Kshitij.com
Kshitij Consultancy Services
About Us


K-sh-i-tij is the Sanskrit for “horizon”. Our firm’s name is inspired from the poem “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Our logo shows three arrows moving together towards a point on the distant horizon.It is a metaphor for our motto of trying to move “Towards the horizon and beyond…” in the three main areas of our activity – research, forecasts and hedging advice.


Started in 1996 from India’s first forex website to one of the most respected currency forecasters in India, we have set the standard for reliable Dollar-Rupee forecasts in the market.

We are the only forex advisory service in India who publish 17+ years of track record which shows 75% reliability, calculated statistically. We have been ranked #2 worldwide by Bloomberg in Dec '18, #1 in Sep '18, #2 in Jun '18 and #1 in Dec '15 for our Dollar-Rupee forecast. To register for 15-Days trial of our Daily Rupee Update please click here.
Kshitij Dollar-Rupee Bloomberg Ranking
Kshitij Euro-Dollar Bloomberg Ranking


Reliability is something that can only be felt and experienced. It is not tangible. To make our commitment to reliability more solid, we conceptualized the KSHITIJ.COM reliability tree log symbol.

The reliability of the teak is depicted by the growth rings that are seen in the log. These rings are a measure of the age of the tree, during which it has seen many rains, harsh winters, scorching summers and even storms; and has stood firm through them all. Similarly, over two decades and more, KSHITIJ.COM has seen different market conditions, bouts of acute volatility and long periods of frustrating calm; all of which have helped us gain invaluable experience.


Dollar-Rupee Forecasts

Our Dollar-Rupee forecasts try to address the four “T”s every forecast should answer: Trend (up, down, sideways); Target (price target); Time (when the target is expected to be met) and Trail (the path that the market will take to reach the expected target in the expected time). Besides Dollar-Rupee, we also forecast Euro-Dollar, US Treasury and Crude.

To know details of all our forecasts please click here.

Currency Risk Management

Based on our currency forecasts, we manage more than $500 million in forex risk for our corporate clients. Our currency risk management advice can also be useful for global investors allocating capital to India.

Our clients vouch for us. Please click here to view few of our clients.


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